Contact Us

Have a question? You can read through our Frequently Asked Questions here.

Live Chat: To chat to us, click on the 'Chat' icon at the bottom of the screen to initiate a live chat session.

Telephone: 01767 348 188
(between 9.30am and 4.30pm Monday - Thursday, the studio is closed on Fridays and bank & public holidays).

Please note that we are a working jewellery studio and we cannot always answer phone calls instantly, we are first and foremost working on customer's orders.
Please be patient if you do not get through straightaway.


Studio Address:
Morgan and French Design Studio
The Old Fire Station
Church Street
SG18 0JS

The Biggleswade Design Studio will close for Christmas from Friday 20th December and will reopen on January 6th.

Retail Shop Address:
Morgan and French
The Little Workshop
9a St George's Square
PE9 2BN 

Stamford Shop Opening Hours:

* Closed 1st to 5th of April

Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30am to 4:30pm (closed at lunch)
Wednesday   9:30am to 4:30pm (closed at lunch)
Thursday 9:30am to 4:30pm (closed at lunch)
Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm (closed at lunch)
Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm (closed at lunch)
Sunday Closed


Directions to Morgan & French Shop from Wharf Road Car Park (PE9 2YG):

Upon leaving Wharf Road Car Park, cross Wharf Rd (the main road) to reach the opposite side from the car park entrance. Directly opposite the car park entrance, you'll find the entrance to Blackfriars Street on your left. Proceed along Blackfriars Street, staying on the right side as you walk. Just before reaching the church, you'll see railings where you should take a right turn. Continue along this path, with homes on your right-hand side. Morgan & French is located as the last building on the right.






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